Christ Be Within Me
Children have a choice of having either a hot school meal or bringing in a healthy packed-lunch. All children are entitled to a free school meal so there is no charge for lunches. (Meals are funded by central government and the Mayor of London) Milk is available free to all children.
It is very important that parents inform us about any allergies or medical diets their child is required to follow.
Please give the office a half-term's notice if you wish to change your child from school lunch to packed- lunch.
To comply with the Department of Education Food Standards, fizzy drinks are not permitted as part of packed -lunches and due to a number of children with severe nut allergies, nuts should not be brought into school.
All children in EYFS and KS1 are also given free fruit daily during their break- time.
Please see our school lunch menus below which currently run on a three-week cycle.